Saturday, 13 August 2011

Sister- Rosamund Lupton

This novel is written in the form of a letter, and is Lupton's debut novel as she usually writes screenplays ( scripts). The format is written in prose of a sister writing to her sister ( I won't reveal why, or give out any spoilers- so do not fear ). The story is a gripping tale of how a bond between two sisters tries to uncover the disappearance of another. The story is charming and compelling, and not only is it a great thriller but an enjoyable easy read. Throughout the book I was trying to guess the ending, however when the end arrived I was gob smacked, and pleasantly surprised with how the book rounded things up. Not a happy read I will just say that- yet a cleverly written debut book. I would recommend to those who want a light thriller read. However, I have read a few reviews criticizing Luption's writing for being too cliche and faulting her narrative structure ( as she tells the story to the police man throughout the book ), but I feel this is extremely harsh and her writing is easily read, and easily understood.
****- 4 Star Rating

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