Abandoned by Anya Peters is a real story from the heart and soul of the girl who was put through a horriable childhood. She grew up with her auntie and uncle as her own mother could not tell anyone she had her. So she was like a secret child. Her uncle however was abusive and used to harm her sexually and she ended up telling her mother who told the police. But over time he got released from prison and her and her auntie's relationship changed and she had to move out as the uncle moved back in. She didn't have a home to live in so ended up living in her car for months and months and her way of escape was using the library and going on the computers and starting her very own blog on this very own website. i have checked it out and the very first posts are about her telling people she is living in her car. This story really pulls the strings of your heart and makes you believe this women is such a strong, determined, knowledgeable women. If you would like to check her personal blog out for yourself it's www.wanderingscribe.blogspot.com .
***-3 Star Rating.
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