This is a holiday fiction novel which does admittedly get you in the spirits of christmas; if you read near christmas and not in the middle of an English summer. However, this book has a wonderful message all about the gift of time and to spend it wisely as we all may know time is the greatest gift of all but many take advantages to this particular gift. There are some parts of this book however that are rather confusing for example the part where he confronts Gabe about the pill being a headache pill, it is hard to register if this is about a metaphor being uncovered or whether it is just a part of the story. Overall this book did make me think very deeply about life and all that we take for granted, the time period this book revolves around is a family time (christmas) where people should be around those they love. The main character Lou takes advantage of his family and it's only when he takes in Gabe off the streets that Gabe starts making Lou perceive things differently. The death of Lou in the last three chapters of the book had me in tears when he takes the pill and spends his last few moments as the clone of himself with his family. This is the only book where the ending has had me crying my eyes out. Very light read but you do need to read this little treasure alone as if other people are in the room you may feel slightly embarassed when the tears start to flow.
*****-5 Star Rating.
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