This book was bought for me by one of my best friends at christmas time this year, she recommend Jackie Collins to me as an author as she said she is one of her favourite authors since reading one of her many books. This particular book took me a while to get into and I only really got into it when i got used to all the characters and the many different storylines taking place in this one book as there about 6 different storylines and about 30 characters to get acquanted to. However, the storyline towards the middle and end of the book was really edgy and not like something I've read before so it made the book a lot better to read and more captivating. I would read more of Jackie Collin's books as my friend has also gave me another one of her books to read to see what my take is on this particular book she found really good. When i told my older relatives i was reading a Jackie Collin's book they grunted and both mentioned that her storys are explicit, however for me i have read a lot more dirtier and less sophisticated books in my time so this doesn't really count for my generation I would say.
****- 3 and a half Star Rating.
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