Journalist, Campaigner and feminist, in other words an inspiration to all women. Especiallay to me. I want to achieve a journalist status ( a successful one at that ) and I strongly believe in women power and the feminist arguement in life. What Stott did is change the print industry from something extremely prejudice towards women and the women's pages in the guardian and changed the routine so that women had much more say. Her campaigning which is also explained throughout shows how much of a powerful role she played in her era. Not only is this autobiography a good read for journalists or students studying to be journalists, but her last chapter of the book describes her pain and journey through becoming a widow. She had to adapt to this and many women have said who are also widows that this particular book has helped them, all thanks to Stott. It is a hard book to read and I believe Stott struggled writing an autobiography as her natural writing format is particularly journalistic and that is evident throughout.
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