This book was given to me by my friend who didn't tell me anything about the novel just handed me a load of books that she personally recommened. It wouldn't from the blurb be my kind of book, however the story is very simple yet beautiful and classic. The story is about two women who come together at particularly hard times in their lifes and help restore one another and also become good friends in the process. They both have split from previous partners, one is carrying a baby and the other was divorced for a younger women. The house the women lives in needs restoring as it's very old and is described in many beautiful ways, the other women notices it's beauty and is a painter and paints a picture of the house which is how the two women meet. The story doesn't really have many twists or big shocks like many other books have these days, it just describes two women who finding a painting in the old house which helps them restore the house as it's worth 2 million and in the process they both meet and fall in love with two very respectable men. The story is simple and elegant. If you want an exciting read, don't read this. If you like beautiful and elegant storys, this is your cup of tea.
***-3 Star Rating.